Dad, Scientist, Musician, Fun Guy (according to my mom)
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Visual Illusions
Events & Programs 2024
07/15/2024 - Seeing is Believing: Fun with Optical Illusions @ El Sereno Branch Library, Los Angeles, CA
06/27/2024 - Seeing is Believing: Fun with Optical Illusions @ Panorama City Branch Library, Panorama City, CA
05/29/2024 - Seeing is Believing: Fun with Optical Illusions @ Palms-Rancho Park Branch Library, Los Angeles, CA
Curious About My Programs?
I offer several programs related to illusions and playing with perception (see below). I can tailor the programs for any age from about 5 and up. I can present in libraries, schools, museums, birthday parties, or anywhere else!
Seeing is Believing: Fun with Optical Illusions - Educational program where I review how the eye works and several illusions related to depth, light and color. Hands-on activities include cutting and coloring (activity sheets available for download here). No screens used.
How to Make Optical Illusions with Potoshop or Canva - Educational program where I show how to make several famous optical illusions with photo-editing software.
Fun with Upside-Down Glasses - I provide glasses that turn your vision upside-down and we play games while wearing the glasses. Normally easy tasks become hard and it's fun to experience. Less educational and more activity-focused.
Flavor Tripping Adventure - We eat berries containing a compound call miraculin which briefly binds to your taste-buds causing sour foods to taste sweet. We then taste an assortment of foods - it's a wild experience.